So, sense I got my kitchenaid mixer early, I obviously just HAD to use it. To see if it worked... Anyways, it's probably the most beautiful piece of equipment my peasant hands will ever have the grace of using and I fucking love it. Whipped cream fluffed up in seconds with high airy peaks, Cookie dough batter perfectly incorporated and creamed butter the most velvety I have ever seen. <33 style="font-size:130%;">Chocolate Mouse:
4oz extra dark bittersweet chocolate
1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp butter, chopped
3 eggs, without the yolks (yellow stuff)
Start by adding your cream to a medium sized bowl and using an electric mixer, fluff up on high speed rotating slightly until soft peaks start to form. ( Meaning you could stick a spoon in it and when you pulled the spoon out there would be a little peak in it. ) Move the whipped cream to the fridge and chill.
Now cut up your dark chocolate into fine little strips. Get your double boiler going. You want the pan on the bottom to only have a couple inches of water in it and to be at a low simmer. The water should NEVER touch the top pan, even when bubbling. In double boiler top melt the butter and chocolate stirring constantly and gently until melted. Add vanilla extract. Once the chocolate has melted dip your pinky in it and place some on your bottom lip. It should feel warm, but not too cold or too hot. If its not warm to the point where you really feel it, continue to melt. If its hot, take it off the burner and let it cool for about 10 min.
in another small bowl ( I know, a lot of dishes ) use your electric mixer to fluff up your egg whites until they start to get frothy. Add sugar and fluff up again. Your chocolate should be cool by now. Take your egg whites and mix them in to your hot chocolate a little bit at a time, stirring so the eggs don't cook. Your chocolate should get a little glossy and thicker. Take your whipped cream and ad a quarter of the chocolate to it, FOLDING, not stirring, gently until incorporated. Do this until completely mixed. Your mouse should be light and fluffy, if you stir it too much it will get thick, dense and heavy. Put it back in the fridge and let it cool for 1 hour or overnight.
Sweet Mint Whipped Cream:
I layered my mouse with this because I felt that it needed something to make the dish brighter and feel lighter. The mint goes great with the dark chocolate and makes the entire dish feel... happy :]
1 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp mint extract
1 tsp vanilla extract
Just like before, in a medium bowl ( i don't recommend trying it in a small bowl, I learned that the hard way ) fluff up your heavy cream until high peaks start to form, about 3 - 4 min depending on the strength of your mixer. Once the consistency of whipped cream forms, add both extracts and mix again. Now, with your mixer turned down to medium high, slowly add in the sugar so as not to clump. Tada! Light, fluffy, sweet and minty homemade whipped cream!